Career Guidance Cell
The career Guidance cell serves as a vital link between the students of the college and the potential employers of Industry. It focuses on widening the job prospects for those students who want to launch themselves in a career and to sharpen the knowledge about the courses available for those who want to pursue higher studies. Four members of the faculty along with the student representatives from all departments, coordinate the various activities of the cell. It was inaugurated by District superintendent of Police Mrs. Samundeeswari on 04.04.2012.
The Cell caters to the information needs of the students relating to various courses and career opportunities. The main functions of the Cell are :
1. To organize seminars, coaching classes for competitive exams and soft skill training programmes for the students. 2. To provide career and placement guidance 3. To provide a reference collection of career books. 4. To provide training programme for 'Entry into Service' 5. Display the current openings 6. Preparing students for the competitive examinations. 7. To gather and disseminate information on job avenues and placement in different institutions and concerns related to the courses that the college offers to interested students. 8. Organize seminars and guidance workshops by experts from the industry and institutions on Soft skills Emerging professional trends and events, job profiles, leadership roles, entrepreneurship and career opportunities in different fields of study. Creating awareness about the opportunities to pursue higher studies in India and abroad. Facilitating the actual recruitment procedure. 9.Maintaining record of all the activities and the outcome of each of them. 10 .Preparing the database of the graduating students giving details about their educational qualification, career choices etc., 11. To gather and disseminate information on job avenues and placement in different fields.
1. Mr. S.Ragothaman, Assistant Professor / MBA. Is the Co-ordinator for the Career Guidance Cell.
Entrepreneur Development Cell : (EDC)
1. To create an awareness of need and importance of Entrepreneurship as career option among students. 2. The participants are given exposure to various aspects of entrepreneurship during the programme period with help of both in house and guest faculties. 3. To organize Business Plan Competitions every year. 4. To guide and assist prospective entrepreneurs on various aspects such as preparing project reports, obtaining project approvals, loans and facilities from agencies of support system, information on technologies, etc. 5. To arrange interaction with entrepreneurs and create a mentorship scheme for student entrepreneurs. 6. Develop a booklet on entrepreneurship, which can be circulated among all 7. To create an entrepreneurship culture in the parent institution by conducting entrepreneurship Development Programmes, Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps and Entrepreneurship Motivation Camps. 8. To create and develop knowledgeable, enterprising and effective entrepreneurs. 9. To conduct market research for identifying Entrepreneurial Opportunities. 10. Enhancing the capabilities of new and existing Entrepreneurs through the Entrepreneur Development and enterprise development programs. 11. Conducting research on Entrepreneurship Development and Studies. Publishing of Books, Journals and Periodicals on Entrepreneurship Development Conduct programs to empower rural women to become an entrepreneur through micro-enterprise activities. 12. To spearhead entrepreneurship movement with a belief that entrepreneurs need not necessarily be born, but can be developed through well-conceived and well-directed interventions. 13. Inculcating the spirit of 'Entrepreneurship' in youth. 14. To train and develop Successful Entrepreneurs towards evergreen economic prosperity. 15. To conduct courses in Entrepreneurship for Science & Technology students and organizing skill development training programmes for unemployed youth.
• Conducting Motivation Campaigns at Department level to identify the potential entrepreneurs. • Conducting of E.D.P. Programme for students and unemployed youths. • Formation of Industrial Promotion Institute tie-ups. • To promote self-employment and Entrepreneurship culture in Thiruvannamalai District. • To enhance employability of educated youth through industry specific skill training. • Capacity building for mass employment generation in the rural areas. • To undertake Industry consultancy services. • To undertake research assignments. • To tap the local resources for commercial exploitation and value addition. • To generate increased employment. • To give boost to employment generating schemes and thereby brings more unemployed youth into the economic mainstream.
Mr.K.Siva, Associate Professor / Head of the Department / MBA, Co-ordinator Entrepreneurship Development Cell
Human Resources Cell : (HR Cell)
1. To encourage the human resources development by supporting and promoting the best practices in the field. 2. Uphold the ideals in Human resource management, to enhance the capability and credibility of future HR Professionals. 3. To prepare students to face the future challenges and to make foray in the industry 4. To enhance the skills and competencies of the members through sharing and learning. 5. To develop skills like team work, leadership, interpersonal relationship etc… among students. 6. Identifying modern approaches in human resources management and training the members. Also, creating awareness about the same amongst member clubs. 7. To develop knowledge about changing HR policies and trends in specific industrial areas. 8. To impart knowledge through experimental learning and to imbibe leadership qualities in the student executives. 9. To recognize innovation in HR field. 10. By offering opportunity for advancement to students by conducting conferences, seminar, training etc. 11. To keep the students updated with current happenings in H.R. 12. To provide a platform where voice of each is heard. 13. Conducting the scientific-research works related to HR management issues is also one of the objectives, though an ambitious plan.
• video session (motivational videos, interview videos) • Interactions with people management professionals(Inviting HR's of some companies to solve the queries of students) • HR Quiz (asking simple definitions, etc...) • Enacting the role of HR in a company (basically a play taking any situation) • Team building Games • Case studies • Stress Management • conflict management • Presentations(Exposure to HR practices and trends) “HR Club- Aspiring HR Professionalsâ€
Mr.V.Kandasamy, Associate Professor/Placement Officer
Marketing Cell
The marketing cell was inaugurated to improve the marketing skills the students through conducting marketing activities like business quiz, Ad zap , and management activities etc.
1. Regularly conducting Guest lecture on marketing topics. 2. Regularly case studies discussion on marketing topics. 3. Marketing cell is regularly conducting interacting sessions with the Alumni. 4. conducting the point of sale activity 5. Creating Logos, Taglines,Posters for brand building. 6. Every semester we are conducting Business quiz, Management games and Ad zap for our Management students. 7. Leadership talk with eminent speakers. 8. Regularly conducting business plan competition for developing business knowledge among the students.
Mr.D.Yuvaraj , Assistant Professor/ MBA. Coordinator of Marketing cell
Competitive Examinations
There is a separate Competitive Examination Guidance Cell in the college, which is display information about various competitive examinations on the college notice board. The collage wii take efforts to prepare the students for central and state competitive examinations. Weekly special coaching lectures are organized by the faculty members in this regards. Information related to such examinations is given through notice board regularly in library The books related competitive examinations are purchased by the collage library for the benefit of such students.
1. Special reference books for competitive exams are will be provided students in central library. 2. Magazines & Journals about competitive exams are being will provide to the student for reading in the reading room of central library. 3. National, State & Local news papers will be provided to the student for reading in the reading room of central library for making them aware about current knowledge. 4. Classes on the syllabus framed for TNPSC arranged by Entry in Services department in the campus. 5. Eminent scholars related to the succeeded in competitive exams will call for their valuable guidance to promote college students.
Mr.S.Ragothaman, Assistant Professor/MBA, Co-ordinator Competitive Examinations Guidance Cell
Soft Skill Development
To Enhancing the Skill and knowledge of the Students. To Impart the continuous training for Students in Personality and Skill Development. To Acquire the Knowledge of Leadership, Problem Solving Technique ,etc. Also Provide. Training for the Students to Enhancing the Retention rates in Companies.
Every year, Pre Placement Trainings are provided. The Main Activities of Soft skill Development Cell is to improve the Interview Skills, Communication skills, Leadership Skill, Time Management, Problem Solving Techniques GD, Personality Development Programs, Business Etiquettes and Work Ethics. Organizing Training Session in Making Students Community employable And Meet the Corporate Expectation Co-coordinating the Department Co-coordinators for Smooth Conduction of the Training.
Mr.V.Kandasamy, Associate Professor/Placement Officer
Remedial Coaching
Sri Balaji Chockalingam Engineering College will begin to see our pupils as students who can be taught and helped to overcome their learning difficulties. It is essential for a remedial faculty to understand thoroughly the strengths and weaknesses of their pupils so that appropriate teaching approaches can be adopted to meet their individual needs.
Remedial faculty may train up pupils who perform better in a certain subject to become ‘little teachers’ and who will be responsible for helping classmates with learning difficulties in group teaching and self-study sessions as well as outside class. .
Language Lab
 To provide opportunities to learners to practice their communicative skills to make them become proficient users of English.  To enable learners to fine-tune their linguistic skills (LSRW) with the help of technology to communicate globally.  To enhance the performance of learners at placement interviews and group discussions and other recruitment procedures.  To sensitize the students to the nuances of English speech sounds, word accent, intonation and rhythm.
1. Listening Comprehension: Listening and typing – Listening and sequencing of sentences – Filling in the blanks - Listening and answering questions. 2. Reading Comprehension: Filling in the blanks - Close exercises – Vocabulary building - Reading and answering questions. 3. Speaking: Phonetics: Intonation – Ear training - Correct Pronunciation – Sound recognition exercises – Common Errors in English. Conversations: Face to Face Conversation – Telephone conversation– Role play activities. B. Discussion of audio-visual materials 1. Resume / Report Preparation / Letter Writing: Structuring the resume / report - Letter writing / Email Communication - Samples. 2. Presentation skills: Elements of effective presentation – Structure of presentation - Presentation tools – Voice Modulation – Audience analysis - Body language – Video samples. 3. Soft Skills: Time management – Articulateness – Assertiveness – Psychometrics – Innovation and Creativity - Stress Management & Poise - Video Samples. 4. Group Discussion: Why is GD part of selection process? - Structure of GD – Moderator – led and other GDs Strategies in GD – Team work - Body Language - Mock GD –Video samples. 5. Interview Skills: Kinds of interviews – Required Key Skills – Corporate culture – Mock interviews-Video samples.
Mr.D.Praveenkumar, AP/English
Bridge Courses
SBCEC regularly organizes and conducts bridge course – an orientation programme for the first year students of engineering streams in the following disciplines (English, Physics, chemistry and basic Engineering) and for the lateral entrance. The objective of induction programme is to bridge the gap that would possibly exist between the academia and the newly joined engineering aspirants in terms of orienting their academic environ and partly eliminate the fear factor that might cripple their understanding into becoming qualitative engineers with a socialite concern and social responsibility. Students are also introduced to different clubs that are operated in the campus which would empower them in discovering their hidden potentials and enable them to grow into a matured, full-fledged overall personalities. This two-week student enhancement and development programme is devised for overall grooming and enhancement of the students’ fraternity with a special punctuation for students from rural and semi rural community.
• To act as a buffer for the new entrants. • To provide adequate time for the transition to hard-core engineering courses. • Focus on fostering a strong sense of ethical judgment and moral fortitude. • Applications based self-learning and intermingling of a large cross section of students from vastly varying backgrounds. • A breather, to prepare themselves before courses for first year engineering commence. • The students will be equipped with the knowledge and the confidence needed to take on bigger challenges. • Nurture a deeper understanding of the local and global world and our place in at as concerned citizens of the world. • Interactive and Active Learning by Doing have been weaved into the Bridge Course. • Active learning with the help of other students.
Yoga and Meditation
Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body. It is an art and science of healthy living. The word 'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj', meaning 'to join' or 'to yoke' or 'to unite'.
Motivate the students to get mind practice to learning The practice will make the students mind and body coordination
Mr.A.Karthick, Assistant Professor/Physics,Co-ordinator Yoga and Meditation
Personal Counselling
Counselling aims to help students, through individual or group work, to feel they are in control of their own lives, able to make choices and decisions, and to put them into action. It also allows the student to talk through past events and to come to a greater understanding of them. Counselling offers the opportunity for the student to talk and be heard in a safe, non-judgemental environment. The counsellor’s role in this process is to facilitate the student’s personal development in ways which respect their values and ability for self-purpose.
The Counselling Service offers the following: • The process has been established as ‘Mentoring System’. Each faculty will be the mentor of a group of 10 to 15 students • Continuously monitor, counsel, guide and motivate the students in all academic matters. • To Maintain the Student Profile Note and record the list of disciplinary actions.
Mr.R.Venkataratinam, Associate Professor / Vice Principal / Head of the Department Information Technology, Co-ordinator Personal Counselling